This article is destined for the concept 'realia' and its realization in Venezuelan Spanish. Following the introduction, some definitions of 'realia' from several perspectives: comparative linguistics (Vlajov, Florin, Vereshaguin, Kostomarov), theory of translation (Chernov, Fedorov, Suprún, Reformatsky, Sheiman, Bercov), cultural lunguistic (Vinogradov, Tomajin) and different classifications of this concept are presented. The next point that constitutes the focus of interest of this work contains examples of Venezuelan words-realia taken from 'Dictionary of venezolanismos', 'Dictionary of Venezuelan Spanish. Venezolanismos, indigenous voices, new meanings' and 'Linguistic atlas of Venezuelan Spanish'. In the end a comparative analysis of 'realia', terms and proper names is also given.