This article considers the well-being as a linguistic, cultural, philosophical and economic concept. It states that the welfare, as an abstract concept, is especially representative of the culture and the national image of the world, because it has no real immediate support in the extralinguistic reality. Firstly, author makes a review of some important conceptions of well-being in philosophy and economics. Their study indicates that many classical philosophical conceptions accept the existence of three types of well-being with a preeminence of internal well-being over the external and physical ones, whereas the economic concept mainly focuses on its external aspect. Secondly, this article presents the results of a linguistic study of the concept of well-being based on the analysis of components. After a brief explanation of the principles of construction of lexical-semantic fields, author describes and compares the lexical-semantic fields of the concept of well-being in the Spanish and Russian languages. Thirdly, author claims that in the study of abstract concepts such as wellbeing, the analysis of components should be complemented by the analysis of combinability in order to discover their associative potential. This article presents the results of a comparative study of combinatorial properties of the lexemes bienestary in Spanish and English, respectively. Finally, author concludes that the concept of well-being has an important place in both Spanish and Russian linguistic cultures and highlights the similarities and differences in the way speakers of both languages perceive it.