© Medwell Journals, 2016.The level and quality of life of population are determined by the state of its health and that of health care system which largely depends on material and technical base of health care institutions and their provision with medical equipment. In countries with developed market economies, medical industry is one of the leading sectors in terms of revenue from the export of its products. At the same time, the share of domestic enterprises in the Russian market of medical equipment and medical products is reduced. For this, in high-tech segments the import share is 100% of total consumption of products. Despite the development of the latest achievements of medical science by the leading medical institutions of the Russian Federation, quality and effectiveness of medical care currently is not satisfactory. This is due to insufficient public funding for health care with high (up to 80%) level of depreciation of current medical equipment and need in supplying medical institutions with new medical equipment, low susceptibility of management to social and managerial innovations in the social sphere in general and health care in particular. The study investigates the problems and development prospects of regional market of medical equipment. Interpretation of the content of regional market of medical equipment is given, its dual nature is revealed the segmentation of medical equipment market is presented in view of features of producer and consumer behavior within the territorial localized formations.