© Medwell Journals, 2016.Relevance of the problem under study is caused by need of further development of foreign language teaching methodology, scientific substantiation of modern innovative theoretical and procedural-technological research in the field of impovement of the national school. This study is directed on identification of ways how to make English classes more effective. The leading approach to research of this problem are logical and gnosiological analysis, method of actualization, selection, systematization and generalization of foreign language teaching methods and original sources. The main result of the research is that impact on students' mental activity is a natural component of educational process. And, one of the ways to succeed at teaching English is relaxation. It was established that making the best use of relaxation at English classes prevents from monotony, uniformity in educational process and assists in making a positive impact on a cognitive activity of students and opens their personal potential. Materials of the study can be useful for enrichment foreign language teaching methodology and pedagogy.