A huge role in current economy is played by those who do not have any relation to a real productive activity. Speculation shows its results now. The world economy undergoes a great stress during several years. This problem may be corrected by barter relationships between producers and an integrated logistics, that is, the logistics barter. The logistic barter theory (barter logistics) does not give up money, but ignores it between manufacturers. Logistics and has reached and continues to reach such heights, when the need for such "universal equivalent as goods" between the manufacturers simply disappears. New LBP-providers are considered, who not the serving members of the economy are. They act as operators of other economic system where there is no place for money and banks between producers. At the moment, the upper limit of supply chain management are 5PL providers, but the logistic barter needs 6, 7. PL providers, or they need to be called LBP providers (logistic barter providers) because it has to be a completely different, predominant view of logistic and logistic barter role in new economy. Logistics barter is a web, a spider - the LBP provider. Logistic barter operators (providers) must meet not only the requirements of logistics barter between manufacturers, but also respond to the new challenges of supply chains. LBP-provider may exceed the capacities of barter logistics standard requirements, because an operator is engaged not only in the replacement of monetary relations, but works in the field of supply chain improvement. We must understand that a new economy theory based on logistic barter requires a developed infrastructure, i.e., a super system of supply chain management based on LBP providers. Logistics is developing, and the possibilities of supply chain management may be completely different. In terms of prospects logistic barter may play its role in economy.