It is well known that the stock market is a financial market segment, allowing the most efficient to reallocate financial resources from investors to issuers. At the present time in Russia only Moscow Exchange operates fully. Accordingly, the companies-issuers who wish to attract the necessary financial resources are forced to do so through the Moscow stock exchange. The development of regional stock exchanges will help strengthen the country's financial system and ensure the stability of economic growth. We did evaluate the development of a regional securities market in the Republic of Tatarstan and did identify problems, among which are marked imperfections and underdevelopment of the Russian legislation, inefficient management structure of large companies, whose securities are presented at the national stock market, limited using of market instruments valuable papers. The authors of the proposed formula and performance indicators to evaluate the development of a regional securities market and its management. An important factor in the development of the market of securities is the involvement of the individuals on this market, which currently remains an unsolved problem, including due to the low incomes of the population in Russia. We believe that the proposed recommendations in the article are useful by the state.