Article is dedicated to consideration of process of normalization of Russian-Georgian relations in conditions of existing contradictions between states. Limitations and spheres of interaction of two countries, peculiarities of dialog development and searching of different formats of relationship of Russia and Georgia are analyzed. Issues of two-side interaction in different spheres, in which solving of problem of humanitarian nature seems to be actual, are researched. Issues of social-economic cooperation, particularly on expert level, that, is spite of a range of drawbacks, maintains a potential of positive development, are touched upon. There is shown that the most tension is possessed by political relations of two countries, connected with solving of inter-ethnic conflicts and restoration of diplomatic relations. For analysis of a stated problem in article were used such scientific methods of research as historical, system and institutional. In result of conducted research, author comes to a conclusion that at present time in relations of two countries there is a pressing need in building of constructive dialog, because from it in many aspects depends decision of many contradictions in social, economic, political spheres, and also regulation of inter-ethnic conflicts. Further normalization of Russian-Georgian relations will depend on political will and desire of two countries to regulate existing disputes and conflicts and build the dialog on mutually advantageous basis.