The collected structural problems in the Russian economy, as well as its lagging on a number of technological directions development require the fastest solution. With respect thereto to the forefront there is a question of prospects assessment and development mechanisms and placement of productive forces taking into account the available regional features and their integration into world reproduction chains. On one hand, the solution of the matter can lie in the plane of resource optimization and infrastructure regional potentials. However it is necessary to consider that this way is in many respects oriented to extensive type of economic development that limits possibilities of timely transition of economic system to the new advanced types of organizational and economic development corresponding to the sixth technological way. On the other hand - the solution of the question posed shall consider all variety of the factors determining the innovative and modernization shift of trends of development of productive forces according to the created requirements. Thus studying of the concept of a contradiction between development of productive forces and more and more obsolete relations of production shall be created through a prism of identification of the mechanisms creating economic, social and institutional capacities of territorial systems. The last, most likely, also determine trends of the arising contradictions limiting or, on the contrary, the regional productive forces promoting development corresponding to perspective technological shifts.