Background/Objectives: Empirically examine and describe values in professional activity of leaders of organizations of different ownership forms, to compare the value orientations of leaders of public and private companies. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Authors used as known psychological methods, and specially designed diagnostic procedures and statistical methods of processing of empirical results. The first includes the comparative method as a General in the organization of research, psychodiagnostic method by I.G. Senin "The questionnaire terminal values" and T.S. Kabachenko. To the second belongs specially developed in order to assess the success of the technique of an expert estimation of activity of managers. Findings: The empirical study is characterized by the values of the modern leaders of enterprises of different ownership forms that reflect social values, organizational values, requirements of the activity. In the profile values of managers a decline in the value of creativity, self-development, education, installation analysis in the management and significant growth of material values and family sphere are noted. The differences in the values profiles of managers of organizations of different ownership forms, which are presented in the management conception and in terminal values, are determined. For leaders of private enterprises are significantly higher indicators: Financial situation, achievements, and preserve their individuality, focus on efficiency and socially-psychological methods in management. The study identified and characterized by respect values with the efficiency of management activity. They have active social contacts, maintaining their individuality, installing, macro, and innovative analysis, to the analysis of social processes, the social and psychological methods that are specific to the requirements of the activity. The study showed that management conceptions of heads of organizations are not effective. Application/Improvements: The results can be taken into account in the development of programs for prediction of professional activity Manager and also used for professional selection, counseling, training of leaders.