The article gives general characteristic of a summarized linguographic corpus of the Tatar language with the sources including more then 360 various dictionaries. Some of them are represented by a considerable number of works (bilingual, terminological and other), a number of dictionaries are represented as an exclusive edition (dictionaries of abbreviations etc.), individual types of linguistic reference books have appeared quite recently (autonomous dictionaries of the writer's language). Linguographic corpus of the Tatar language which is being created in Kazan University according to the Government Program "Preservation, study and development of the national languages of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages of the Republic of Tatarstan for years 2014-2020" consists of 3 main components (modules): "Sources", "Linguographic characteristics (attributes, parameters)", "Vocabulary". The "Sources" module provides a user with a variety of information about macrostructure of a dictionary, its target auditory, volume of vocabulary etc. The "Linguographic characteristics (attributes, parameters)" module is mainly aimed at provision of a user with information on content of the dictionaries as well as at demonstration of fullness of a parameter and the nature and methods of representation. The "Vocabulary" module is designed for combining and description of the vocabulary material of the source dictionaries of the Summarized corpus of the Tatar language dictionaries. Information potential of the corpus allows usage of the presented materials at different stages of linguographic activity (design, composition, expert evaluation, editing of a linguistic reference book) as well as improvement of quality of the dictionaries being composed.