The paper proposes the approach of estimation of historical factors impact on life quality and socio-economic development of a multicultural territory. The complex of methods substantiates the predictive assessment of the prospects of socio-economic development of a region according to the analysis of its historical retrospective. It is based on the analysis of the category of life quality and represents the combination of logical modeling methods (including the construction of forecast scenarios), mathematical-statistical and expert assessments. The paper presents analytical procedure of assessment which includes sequence of 10 steps. Two types of dynamics indices of life quality were used for analyses - an integral and threshold one. The Republic of Tatarstan, being one of the most dynamic multicultural regions of the Russia with rich historical and cultural heritage, was selected as a base region. The research results indicate that historical factors have major positive influence on the development of those territories where the Tatar ethnicity currently dominates. Prospects of development of municipal entities reveal decrease in the differentiation of territories in terms of the influence of historical factors.