© The authors. The urgency of the problem stems from the fact that the history of the Czechoslovak Corps is viewed in modern Russian historiography in the context of the history of the Civil War in Russia and continues to be the key to its history. The article deals with the problem question in modern Russian historiography in studying the Czechoslovak Corps in Russia. Three approaches, which differ in varying degrees of recognition of the responsibility of the Czechoslovak Legionnaires in the outbreak of the civil war in Russia, are examined in this article. The conclusion is that it is wrong to shift the responsibility in this matter to an external force, as it leads away from understanding the nature and root causes of the civil war. It is noted that despite the expansion of the source base, researchers continue to focus their attention on various aspects of military and political history of the Czechoslovak Corps. The article highlights the national discourse in research on the history of the Czechoslovak Corps. As an important achievement of modern Russian historiography it is stated that national liberation motives in the actions of the Czechoslovak armed forces in Russia are considered to have been of primary importance. The article notes the priority of regional historians in the study of the topic. This priority can be explained by the specifics of the subject of their study as well as the opportunities that regional archives open. The practical significance of the study is that the results and conclusions can be used to assess the state of development of modern historiography and find the strategy of historiographical research, and to develop the courses on historical specialties: "History of Russia", "Historiography of the history of Russia" and special courses on history and historiography of the civil war and foreign military intervention in Russia.