The article discusses the necessity to develop organizational and pedagogical conditions of optimizing speech and thought activity taking into account individual speech experience of students. It also displays the problem of bilingualism and multilingualism in the context of multicultural education. The aim of the research is to identify peculiarities of the person's speech and thought activity in the context of bilingualism. The analysis of students' speech and thought activity demonstrates that the level of the speech and thought activity is connected with the bilingualism type and prediction component of thought. The latest is peeped in the ability to make a lingual guess, assess the linguistic probability of the word appearance and is based on the full analysis of cause-and-effect relations and the flexibility of thought while making speech assumptions. It has been determined that high level of prediction abilities is necessary for successful development of the person's speech activity. The necessity to develop students' speech and thought activity in the context of bilingualism within the educational process of higher school has been proved. © IDOSI Publications, 2014.