© 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. The purpose of this article is the comparative analysis of models of consumer practices of Tatars and Russians of the multiethnic region (Republic of Tatarstan, Russia) in the situation of globalization of consumer culture. The problem of modeling consumer practices of ethnic groups considered in the concept of economic anthropology (ethnology). It is concluded that a combination of two opposing processes within consumer practices of ethnic groups in the context of globalization: the erosion of ethno-cultural space and the revival of ethnic and cultural traditions. Value profiles of consumers working age of two ethnic groups of Tatarstan-Tatars and Russians, using the technique of LOV (List of Values), are constructed. Also value profiles further investigated by gender. Constructed value profiles of Tatars and Russians is one of the elements of the model of consumer practices of these ethnic groups. Consumer practices are constantly under the influence of external and internal factors, and their systematic study is the task of further work. Regular monitoring of the dynamics of the consumer practices of ethnic groups allows to monitor the socio-cultural and socio-economic processes in the interests of both the market subjects as well as various social groups.