© 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Currently, the system of education in Russia is changing radically. One of the factors behind the process of education reorganization, university education in particular, is the process of globalization and computerization. Advanced concepts and the best practices of market-leading educational services (especially in the US and the UK) made it possible to develop the national education model with the aim to solve a number of problems related to the formation of a modern education model, historical education including, such as future demand for specialists, efficiency of the knowledge obtained, and mobility of professional qualifications under present conditions. The article focuses on the issues of training history teachers at universities as well as the issues related to teaching history, especially world history, at schools. The authors discuss relevant issues concerning the ways of improving methodology and technologies in history teachers’ school practice, analyze the methods for increasing motivation of history students through implementation of innovative educational technologies, and outline the guidelines for intensifying students’ learning activities in preparation for their final exam in history.