© 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. Theoretical and practice-oriented bases of applied technosphere riskology as a new interdisciplinary direction of students training at technical educational institutions are revealed in the article. Specialized technology of the risk management, urged to solve problems of technosphere safety taken as a whole, but not separate parts is the main research of the article. "The applied technosphere riskology" is logical development of rather new scientific and subject matter – riskology – as for life security of a person is concerned. The authors have considered interdisciplinary integration in the content formation of vocational training of future life security experts in the field of applied technosphere riskology, and also practice-oriented aspects of a graphic-analytical method "treelike structures" and a method of the diversionary analysis, directed at risk thinking formation, at professional reflection and culture of students life security as they are future life security experts. The article will be useful for technical college teachers, the theorists and practitioners who are studying questions of the analysis, forecasting and risk management in technosphere.