There are still plenty of "white spots" and misconceptions about historical events and processes that took place in the history of Russia in modern foreign and domestic historiography. The history of individual regions remains virtually unexplored. All this causes considerable interest in research on the history of Russia through the study of regional processes. In our opinion, the events of the first third of the twentieth century can be considered highly controversial. In a short time, a small group of people were able to change in the revolutionary way the social structure and traditions of the country that had been formed over centuries and eventually turned the country into a powerful state. The factor that contributed to the success of the Bolsheviks was the competently carried out economic activities, among which in the first phase of statebuilding, we can highlight the process of industry nationalization. The concentration of material and human resources in the hands of the state helped the Soviet regime to survive during the Civil War, which can clearly be observed at the regional level. In this regard, the subject of our research is the process of nationalization of industrial enterprises in Kazan province (the Republic of Tatarstan at present) in 1917- 1921. © IDOSI Publications, 2013.