In modern conditions for effective activity of the enterprise is particularly relevant is the problem of the mobilization and effective use of investments. Investment attractiveness is an integral part of business activity of business entities, including production, innovation, market, marketing and other activity. Formation of investment attractiveness, the development of a clear investment strategy, determining its priorities, to mobilize all sources of investment is critical to sustainable and qualitative development of enterprises in today's challenging environment. It is the process of investing; the firm sets the rhythm of existence in the period before the implementation of the new investment project. The logic of the functioning of the company is presented as follows: Investments - the period of growth of fixed costs - the company achieve non-profit development (the threshold of profitability) - capacity-financial stability - new investments, etc. the Existence and efficient operation of the enterprise in market conditions of managing unrealistic without well-established management of its capital, that is, the main types of funding (investment of resources) in the form of material and money, various types of financial instruments. Capital of the company is, on the one hand, the source and the result of activity of the enterprise.