© 2017. The purpose of this article is determining the sociocultural features of adjustment of Chinese students to study in Russian universities. The expansion of bilateral economic relationship between Russia and China has led to a growing interest of Chinese young people towards receiving higher education in Russian universities. Simplified procedure of admission of foreign students leads to complication of their cultural adjustment to a new sociocultural environment. The article presents the results of sociological survey of Chinese students studying in the technical university. It is concluded that the transition of a foreign student to a new society is accompanied by culture shock. Symptoms of culture shock and phases of cultural adjustment process are highlighted in the present article on the bases of K.Oberg methodology. According to U-curve cultural adjustment model proposed by Lysgaard S., the adapting person overcomes three main phases: initial adjustment, crisis state, and final adjustment. The analysis of the conducted survey has confirmed that adjustment to a new culture takes place according to the U-curve by Lysgaard. Determination of ways to solve the problem of foreign students' adjustment to study in Russian universities is associated by the author with the identification of sociocultural characteristics of a specific country. It is revealed that the peculiarities of adjustment of Chinese students to study in Russian universities include sociocultural, psychological, and didactic features. In this connection, it is necessary to determine the extent of the impact of these characteristics on the adjustment process of Chinese students.