© Serials Publications. The relevance of the research problem is due to the necessity of understanding the problems of interaction in teaching and learning process of different ethnocultural groups. The purpose of the article is to comprehensively characterize the pedagogical conditions of adaptation and development of migrant children's individuality in the contemporary sociocultural situation for further application it in practice. The leading approach to the study of this problem is criterion-oriented that allows to realize models and methods of policultural (i.e. multicultural) upbringing and education. The article outlines how to meet cultural and educational needs, how to enhance adaptive capacity and develop individuality of migrant schoolchildren - representatives of different ethnic societies. The article reveals the specificity, objectives, functions, content of migrant children's upbringing and training. Recommendations on identification of possible difficulties that a teacher may face in the process of polyticultural upbringing and effective ways to overcome them are given in this work. The article may be useful for teachers of secondary schools, also, for teachers who organize migrant children's upbringing and training in different types of educational organizations and children's collectives.