© Serials Publications. The relevance of the problem investigated is connected with the necessity to improve the international legal protection of the environment, water sources. The leading approach to the problem is the approach, which has enabled optimal selection and structuring of the basic components of international humanitarian law and made it possible to consider the problem under different points of view: on the one hand, water is the subject of negotiations, on the other hand, water is the cause of war. During the period of armed conflict, water becomes either a means of livelihood for population or a weapon in its destruction. International law standards are to protect water sources and populations from the consequences of armed conflict. There are the structure and contents of a number of standards of international law and international humanitarian law concerning the regulation of rules of war, protection of population, environment and in particular water sources in the article. It is established that the absence of a clear perception of the environment and water sources as objects of international legal protection leads to the fact that states - parties of an armed conflict to bring enormous harm to civilian population, the environment and water sources.