© Serials Publications. The article presents the analysis of anticipation problem and probabilistic forecasting at mental disability, schizophrenia, neurosis, speech pathology. The author proceeds from the understanding that all the Gnostic and human motor activity is regulated by anticipatory-prognostic process. Previous experience and external situation serve as the basis of hypotheses about the upcoming future. According to the prediction, preparations for appropriate actions are made. Thus, probabilistic forecasting has adaptive - maladaptive character, and anticipatory incompetence is observed at intellectual or mental disability. We assumed that the basis of deviant behavior is a mechanism, controlling the forecast manner of the future action results. According to the ontogenetic pattern, developmental age is a sensitive period in respect of anticipatory and prognostic bonds formation system that determines the ability to assess both the cause and effect relations, and the ability to evaluate the consequences of actions committed. When deviant behavior committed, the predictive mechanism of action is obviously deformed. The article presents the results of empirical research of anticipatory competence and deviant behavior adolescents’ ability to forecast. It is revealed that adolescents with deviant behavior do not draw up anticipatory a manner of future result. Adolescents are not able to predict the result of both their actions, deeds, and actions of others. Thus, when teenagers with deviant behavior are awarded with the term of imprisonment as a possible punishment in the future, it is perceived as “indeterminate sentence or a punishment that will not happen”, what actually supports the repeated commission of deviant behavior among adolescents.