Просмотр по теме "phytate"

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  • Valeeva L.; Nyamsuren C.; Shakirov E.; Sharipova M. (2019)
    © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Abstract: Transgenic plants containing genes of bacterial phytases represent one of the promising ways to solve the problem of phosphorus deficiency in the nutrition of plants and monogastric ...
  • Mukhametzyanova A.; Marenova I.; Sharipova M. (2013)
    The Bacillus subtilis dphy strain with the inactivated phytase gene was obtained. The phytase genes in bacilli displayed high homology; the respective enzymes belonged to the class of β-propeller phosphatases. Physiological ...
  • Mukhametzyanova A.; Akhmetova A.; Sharipova M. (2012)
    Replenishing of the stores of inorganic phosphate is among the most urgent environmental problems. In soil, phosphorus within inorganic compounds is mostly (over 80%) present as insoluble, phytic acid-based conglomerates. ...

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