Social policy in the Russian economy is currently being superimposed on the common actions of the state in the regulation of economic processes and the implementation of the overall economic policy of the state. The situation in the Russian economy in turn develops within the framework of the formation and presence of certain objective constraints affecting the effectiveness of social policy implementation. Insufficient financial resources, the crisis situation and the availability of different points of view regarding the future path of development and the effectiveness of the necessary tools used by the state significantly influence the development of a number of negative social consequences, determine both the potential opportunities for implementing social policy and the actual conditions for the implementation of the process of interaction between social and economic politicians. The conditions for the implementation of social policy require taking into account a number of points in the applied tools of economic policy: possible delay in the actions of the state in comparison with current economic processes, taking into account the formed mentality of the population, Pareto efficiency in determining the optimal balance between state actions to stabilize the economic situation and household activities within the framework prevention of a decline in the level of well-being. Indirect factors determining the basic conditions for increasing the effectiveness of social policy of the state form potential opportunities for economic development.