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Просмотр Публикации сотрудников КФУ Scopus по автору "Miller R."

Просмотр Публикации сотрудников КФУ Scopus по автору "Miller R."

Отсортировать по:Сортировать:Результаты поиска на странице:

  • Kalimullin I.; Miller R.; Schoutens H. (2019)
    © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. We show that for both the unary relation of transcendence and the finitary relation of algebraic independence on a field, the degree spectra of these relations may consist of any ...
  • Fokina E.; Kalimullin I.; Miller R. (2009)
    Defining the degree of categoricity of a computable structure M to be the least degree d for which M is d-computably categorical, we investigate which Turing degrees can be realized as degrees of categoricity. We show that ...
  • Kalimullin I.; Miller R. (2019)
  • Frolov A.; Kalimullin I.; Miller R. (2009)
    An algebraic field extension of ℚ or ℤ/(p) may be regarded either as a structure in its own right, or as a subfield of its algebraic closure F (either ℚ or ℤ/(p)). We consider the Turing degree spectrum of F in both cases, ...
  • Frolov A.; Kalimullin I.; Harizanov V.; Kudinov O.; Miller R. (2012)
    We survey known results on spectra of structures and on spectra of relations on computable structures, asking when the set of all highn degrees can be such a spectrum, and likewise for the set of non-low n degrees. We then ...

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