We establish similarity between some tripotents and idempotents on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ andobtain new results on differences and commutators of idempotents P and Q.In the unital case, the difference $P-Q$ is ...
We examine the relationship between the CEA hierarchy and the Ershov hierarchy within $\Delta_2^0$ Turing degrees. We study the long-standing problem raised in [1] about the existence of a low computably enumerable (c.e.) ...
In this paper, we consider $C^*$-algebrasgenerated by Markov operators induced by aprobabilistic dynamical system. It is shown that in some cases thesealgebras are isomorphic to Toeplitz, Cuntz, and Cuntz–Toeplitzalgebras. ...
To analyze the deformation process of layered structural elements of inelastic materials, an approach is proposed that makes it easier to solve the problem with complex types of loading. In this method, the package is ...
The angle between the asymptotic lines―and generally between the lines of the Chebyshev network―on surfaces of constant curvature is usually analytically interpreted as a solution of the second-order partial differential ...
In this paper, we state the Darboux problem and give the definition of the Riemann–Hadamard function for a third-order equation with dominant partial derivative (the Bianchi equation). Basing on the possibility of explicitly ...
Avkhadiev's classes consist of holomorphicfunctions with a two-sided restriction on the module of thederivative. We study these classes in domains different from theunit disk. For the images of the domains under the mappings ...
We study five-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian h-spaces $H_{221}$ of type $\{221\}$.Necessary and sufficient conditions are determined under which $H_{221}$ is aspace of constant (zero) curvature.Nonhomothetical projective ...
It is proved: if $\phi(\tau,\xi)$ is a scalar continuous real function of arguments $\tau\in [a_{(n-1)},\ b_{(n-1)}]\subset R^{n-1},$ $\xi \in [a,\ b]\subset R^{1}$ and $\phi(\tau,a)\phi(\tau,b)<0$ for all $\tau,$ then for ...
We establish some generalizations of theclassical inequalities by Polya–Szego and Makai about torsionalrigidity of convex domains. The main idea of the proof is in usingan exact isoperimetric inequality for Euclidean moments ...
We prove that a set is bi-immune if and only if its images under computable permutations are not generically computable or effectively densely computable sets. An example of a coarsely computable bi-immune set is constructed. ...
Tahmasebi S.; Qasim M.T.; Krivenkova M.V.; Zekiy A.O.; Thangavelu L.; Aravindhan S.; Izadi M.; Jadidi-Niaragh F.; Ghaebi M.; Aslani S.; Aghebat-Maleki L.; Ahmadi M.; Roshangar L.(2021)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. The decreased frequency and dysfunction of Treg cells cause inflammation and disease progression. Ozone autohemotherapy can be used ...
The protein p53 as a transcription factor with strong tumor-suppressive activities is known to trigger apoptosis via multiple pathways and is directly involved in the recognition of DNA damage and DNA repair processes. P53 ...
A complete model of cosmological evolution of a classical scalar field with the Higgs potential is studied and simulated on a computer without assumption that the Hubble constant is nonnegative. The corresponding dynamical ...
A complete cosmological evolution model of the classical scalar field with a Higgs potential is studied and simulated on a computer without the assumption that the Hubble constant is nonnegative. It is shown that with most ...
Abstract: Redistribution of sediments and Chernobyl-derived 137Сs transported with them were estimated using a set of field methods and erosion model calculations for the Shchekino reservoir (Tula region) catchment, and ...
Abstract: Niobium films with a thickness of 4–100 nm are synthesized on a silicon substrate under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Measurements of the electrical resistance show a high superconducting transition temperature ...
The influence of a dark energy model – a new nonvacuum field – has been considered here for the first time in the generalized Roche potential with the equivalence principle taken into account for interacting galaxies. An ...
Abstract: In this study we have investigated new magnetic nanocomposites (MNCs) graphene oxide (GrO)/magnetite (Fe3O4) + cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) of various concentrations that were synthesized by the mechanochemical ...