Kazan Federal University Digital Repository

The secondary quantization method with the nonorthogonal basis and its application to theory of localized magnetic fields on the nucleus of diamagnetic ions with a nonfilled 3d- and 4f- shells: abstract of the dissertation on the scientific degree of doctor of physical and mathematical sciences: speciality 01.04.02 – theoretical physics

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dc.contributor.author Anikeenok O. A. (Oleg Alekseevich)
dc.identifier.other Физико - математические науки
dc.language.iso En
dc.publisher Казань 2015
dc.subject.other Квантовая теория -- Вторичного квантования метод -- Авторефераты диссертаций
dc.title The secondary quantization method with the nonorthogonal basis and its application to theory of localized magnetic fields on the nucleus of diamagnetic ions with a nonfilled 3d- and 4f- shells: abstract of the dissertation on the scientific degree of doctor of physical and mathematical sciences: speciality 01.04.02 – theoretical physics
dc.type eBook
dc.collection Основной каталог
dc.source.id RU05CLSL05CBOOKS030205C21325
dc.subject.codVAK 01.01.02

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