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dc.contributor.author Daniel R. Neuville
dc.contributor.author Grant S. Henderson
dc.contributor.author Donald B. Dingwell
dc.date.accessioned 2024-09-27T07:33:51Z
dc.date.available 2024-09-27T07:33:51Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.isbn 9781946850089
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/handle/net/184631
dc.description.abstract Volume 87 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry covers fundamental aspects of the nature of silicate melts and the implications for the systems in which they participate, both technological and natural. The contents of this volume may perhaps best be summarized as structure – properties – dynamics. The volume contains syntheses of short and medium range order, structure-property relationships, and computation-based simulations of melt structure. It continues with analyses of the properties (mechanical, diffusive, thermochemical, redox, nucleation, rheological) of melts. The dynamic behavior of melts in magmatic and volcanic systems, is then treated in the context of their behavior in magma mixing, strain localization, frictional melting, magmatic fragmentation, and hot sintering. Finally, the non-magmatic, extraterrestrial and prehistoric roles of melt and glass are presented in their respective contexts.
dc.publisher De Gruyter
dc.subject.other TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Materials Science / General
dc.subject.other SCIENCE / Earth Sciences / Geology
dc.subject.other SCIENCE / Earth Sciences / Mineralogy
dc.subject.other Jaminjung language--Prosodic analysis
dc.title Geological Melts
dc.type Book
dc.collection Электронно-библиотечные системы
dc.source.id ebsco-3302773

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