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Integrating AI in IoT analytics on the cloud for healthcare applications Advances in computational intelligence and robotics (ACIR) book series./ D. Jeya Mala.

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dc.contributor.author Mala D. Jeya,
dc.date.accessioned 2024-01-30T21:36:04Z
dc.date.available 2024-01-30T21:36:04Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.citation Integrating AI in IoT analytics on the cloud for healthcare applications Advances in computational intelligence and robotics (ACIR) book series. - 1 online resource : - URL: https://libweb.kpfu.ru/ebsco/pdf/3127390.pdf
dc.identifier.isbn 1799891348
dc.identifier.isbn 9781799891345
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/handle/net/182728
dc.description "Premier Reference Source" -- taken from front cover.
dc.description Includes bibliographical references and index.
dc.description.abstract "The objectives of the book are to apply AI in edge analytics for healthcare applications and to analyze the impact of tools, techniques and security solutions in Edge Analytics for Healthcare"--
dc.language English
dc.language.iso en
dc.relation.ispartofseries Advances in computational intelligence and robotics (ACIR) book series
dc.relation.ispartofseries Advances in computational intelligence and robotics (ACIR) book series.
dc.subject.other Medical informatics -- Technological innovations.
dc.subject.other Artificial intelligence -- Medical applications.
dc.subject.other Data mining.
dc.subject.other Data Mining
dc.subject.other Médecine -- Informatique -- Innovations.
dc.subject.other Intelligence artificielle en médecine.
dc.subject.other Exploration de données (Informatique)
dc.subject.other Artificial intelligence -- Medical applications.
dc.subject.other Data mining.
dc.subject.other Electronic books.
dc.title Integrating AI in IoT analytics on the cloud for healthcare applications Advances in computational intelligence and robotics (ACIR) book series./ D. Jeya Mala.
dc.type Book
dc.description.pages 1 online resource :
dc.collection Электронно-библиотечные системы
dc.source.id EN05CEBSCO05C839

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