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Methods of teaching the Russian language to Chinese students on the material of TV interviews: (2nd certification level): dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences (Short version): 5.8.2. Theory and methods of education and upbringing (Russian language)/ Dong Haitao; [Kazan Federal University]

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dc.contributor.author Dong Haitao
dc.date.accessioned 2023-09-30T21:30:17Z
dc.date.available 2023-09-30T21:30:17Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.citation Dong Haitao. Methods of teaching the Russian language to Chinese students on the material of TV interviews: (2nd certification level): dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences (Short version): 5.8.2. Theory and methods of education and upbringing (Russian language) - 2023 - 1 файл (148 Кб) - URL: //allfind.kpfu.ru/r/RU05CLSL05CBOOKS030205C2622884
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/handle/net/177011
dc.description Загл. с экрана
dc.language English
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Казань Казанский федеральный университет 2023
dc.subject.classification Филологические науки
dc.subject.other Русский язык -- Преподавание китайцам -- Высшая школа -- Авторефераты диссертаций
dc.subject.other Русский язык -- Преподавание нерусским -- Аудирования методы -- Высшая школа -- Авторефераты диссертаций
dc.title Methods of teaching the Russian language to Chinese students on the material of TV interviews: (2nd certification level): dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences (Short version): 5.8.2. Theory and methods of education and upbringing (Russian language)/ Dong Haitao; [Kazan Federal University]
dc.type Book
dc.description.pages 1 файл (148 Кб)
dc.collection Основной каталог
dc.source.id RU05CLSL05CBOOKS030205C2622884
dc.subject.codVAK 5.8.2

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