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Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting 2021, celebrating the 180th anniversary of the establishment of the Permian system. Sedimentary Earth Systems: Stratigraphy, Paleoclimate, Geochronology, Petroleum Resources. The Sixth All-Russian Conference "Upper Paleozoic of Russia"

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dc.contributor Казанский федеральный университет ru_RU
dc.date.accessioned 2021-12-03T10:36:40Z
dc.date.available 2021-12-03T10:36:40Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting 2021, celebrating the 180th anniversary of the establishment of the Permian system. Sedimentary Earth Systems: Stratigraphy, Paleoclimate, Geochronology, Petroleum Resources. The Sixth All-Russian Conference "Upper Paleozoic of Russia" (October 18–22, 2021, Kazan, Russia) [Electronic resource]: collection of abstracts. – Electronic network data (1 file: 3.65 MB). – Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan University, 2021. – 96 p. ru_RU
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/handle/net/166390
dc.description Сборник тезисов ru_RU
dc.description.abstract International Stratigraphic Meeting is dedicated Earth systems, stratigraphic events, paleoclimate, biotic evolution, sedimentary basins and resources ru_RU
dc.description.abstract Международная конференция посвящена проблемам планетарных систем, стратиграфическим событиям, палеоклимату, эволюции биоты, седиментационным бассейнам и полезным ископаемым. ru_RU
dc.publisher Издательство Казанского университета ru_RU
dc.title Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting 2021, celebrating the 180th anniversary of the establishment of the Permian system. Sedimentary Earth Systems: Stratigraphy, Paleoclimate, Geochronology, Petroleum Resources. The Sixth All-Russian Conference "Upper Paleozoic of Russia" ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Международная конференция Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting 2021, посвященная 180-летию со дня установления пермской системы. Осадочные системы: стратиграфия, геохронология, палеоклимат, углеводородные ресурсы. Шестая Всероссийская конференция «Верхний палеозой России» ru_RU
dc.type Book ru_RU
dc.identifier.udk 55
dc.description.pages 96 ru_RU

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