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© 2020 Ubiquity Press. All rights reserved. SOE is established as the desire of the State to prosper its people, so if there are questions related to the need for SOEs in Indonesia, then the statement is unconstitutional. Indeed, the presence of SOEs is on the wishes of the 1945 Constitution. If SOE is abolished, then the provisions of Article 33 of 1945 Constitution must be amended or abolished, Indonesia as a state based on Pancasila adheres to the values of social justice for all Indonesian people. SOE is formed as an effort by the State to be able to realize what has been outlined in the country's foundation. The aim of social justice is to form a balanced and orderly society in which all citizens have the opportunity to build a decent life and those who are weakly placed to receive assistance as needed. The government as the leader of the state has the duty to promote equitable prosperity and in this context it has the right and obligation to sue its citizens to make their contributions according to their respective abilities. Because the issue of social justice as one of the legal guidelines often creates problems, it is not only in practice but also in the clarity of concepts, it is necessary to explain in more detail about this conception by placing its position in the midst of the concept of justice in general. Essentially justice is related to the distribution of resources in society in the form of goods and services, business capital, social position and role, authority, power, opportunity, and others that have certain values for life. |