© International Research Publication House The article is devoted to the issues of truck power unit operability and reliability provision during the service life. They considered the need for repair work at a certain moment corresponding to the maximum permissible values of part wear. The analysis of the technical condition of the cylinder-piston group parts of KAMAZ diesel engines was carried out and the main causes of malfunctions during operation were established. The dynamics of wear processes was studied taking into account the working processes of the engine, the material and the state of the part surface, the physicochemical properties of engine oil and diesel fuel. The authors have proposed an original approach to the issue of the repair action timeliness, based on the information about the indicators of the engine technical condition undergoing preventive measures and overhaul. The paper provides expressions to determine the criterion of the residual life, by which it is proposed to assess the rationality of the repair impact. Based on the analysis of the known methods of diesel engine part restoration, the expediency of surfacing and plasticization of cylinder liner surfaces is substantiated. The advantages and disadvantages of the selected repair method are considered. They provided the assessment of engine part restoration economic efficiency during repair.