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People are different - this is our civilization blessing and tragedy at the same time. Human nature can be headstrong when resisting life-challenges and working on most complicated scientific issues. Meanwhile no universal remedy has been found against arrogance, humiliation of others known as bullying which can easily degrade down to racism and other atrocities.
Although bullying is not wide-spread in Russian universities because the policy is aimed at multi-cultural bonds of friendship and international collaboration. Over 44000 students from all over Russia study in our university together with more than 4000 foreign students from more than 100 countries and the administration takes a special care about their security,comfort and adaptation to the local life here. Professors monitor their life in hostels, interview on both academic and after-class activities, organize collaboration get-togethers (theatre- and cinema-going, excursions and walks) and various performances and contests. Still bullying cannot be excluded from the list of communication risks as long as globalization and Internet influence are on and the content offered by some Internet groups and resources do not seem to be positive.
Prevention is better than cure, wise people say, so we are here to collect the data on the problem of bullying and offer our vision of troubleshooting. Bullying may start in childhood and get sometimes worse in young adulthood when the competition among youngsters may grow and get new forms. On the one hand, students are more socially mature and life-experienced, if compared with early teens and tweens, and therefore, have enough self-expression, independence, self-esteem and will-power to resist any possible mocking remarks or inappropriate sarcasm. On the other hand, their self is still vulnerable, quite maximalist and emotional to make well-balanced decisions and not flexible enough for a compromise at times. Consequently, professors should be sensitive and keep a watchful eye on the micro-climate within a student group. As a matter of fact, all professors' teamwork is vital here because collaboration involves more attention and observation towards students.
The reasons of bullying can vary from mere negative authoritarian behaviour line, possible disadvantaged background of the one who bullies to sophisticated personal revenge. The older the person is, the smarter and more complicated the scheme may become.
The victim behaviour is also explained differently: a bullied person may have already come across suchlike psychological violence in early childhood and unfortunately taken it for granted - just weep and develop wallflower reaction to the misbehavior. Professors have to be extremely careful with these students and if the private conversation does not work, report on the student's depression to his / her parents and university psychological service without delay. |