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In-vitro antitumor activity of new quaternary phosphonium salts, derivatives of 3-hydroxypyridine

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dc.contributor.author Akhunzyanov A.
dc.contributor.author Pugachev M.
dc.contributor.author Vafiva R.
dc.contributor.author Shtyrlin N.
dc.contributor.author Balakin K.
dc.contributor.author Shtyrlin Y.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-22T20:38:57Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-22T20:38:57Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.issn 0959-4973
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/handle/net/148124
dc.description.abstract © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. This work presents the results of in-vitro biological activity studies of three novel anticancer agents, phosphonium salts based on the 3-hydroxypyridine scaffold, including one derivative of 4-deoxypyridoxine. Proliferation and viability of cells treated with these compounds was assessed by the colony formation and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assays. Effects of the compounds on apoptosis and cell cycle were studied by flow cytometry using annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide and propidium iodide staining, respectively. The influence of the compounds on mitochondrial membrane potential and intracellular reactive oxygen species was evaluated using tetramethyl rhodamine ethyl and DCFHA staining. Western blot analysis was used to study the changes in the expression of Bcl-xL, Bax, and caspase-3 apoptotic proteins. The treatment of ovarian adenocarcinoma cells OVCAR-4 with the tested compounds inhibited the growth and induced cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase. 3-Hydroxypyridine derivatives induced apoptosis by hyperexpression of Bax and caspase-3, whereas 4-deoxypyridoxine derivative induced cell death partly by reactive oxygen species generation and caspase-3 hyperexpression. These results indicate that the quaternary phosphonium salts studied represent potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of ovarian cancer.
dc.relation.ispartofseries Anti-Cancer Drugs
dc.subject 3-hydroxypiridine
dc.subject 4-deoxypyridoxine
dc.subject apoptosis
dc.subject cell cycle
dc.subject cytotoxicity
dc.subject OVCAR-4
dc.title In-vitro antitumor activity of new quaternary phosphonium salts, derivatives of 3-hydroxypyridine
dc.type Article
dc.relation.ispartofseries-issue 7
dc.relation.ispartofseries-volume 29
dc.collection Публикации сотрудников КФУ
dc.relation.startpage 682
dc.source.id SCOPUS09594973-2018-29-7-SID85050623681

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  • Публикации сотрудников КФУ Scopus [24551]
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