Show simple item record Parfilova G. Karimova L. 2018-09-19T22:26:03Z 2018-09-19T22:26:03Z 2016
dc.description.abstract © Author(s).The problem of demonstrative behavior is very topical among teenagers and this issue has become the subject of systematic scientific research. Demonstrative manifestations in adolescents disrupt the favorable socialization; therefore, understanding, prevention and correction of demonstrative behavior at this age is relevant and requires special attention. The purpose of the research is to examine and diagnose demonstrative behavior in adolescents (college students), as well as to develop and implement the program aimed at preventing demonstrative manifestations in adolescents. The experiment involved 90 first-year students of the Kazan College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The leading method in the study of this problem was the diagnostic testing that helped to reveal the level of demonstrativeness and personal accentuation of teenagers. The following diagnostic tools were applied: H. Schmieschek’s personality accentuation test (Schmieschek Fragebogen) designed to diagnose the type of personality accentuation; test on demonstrativeness. On the basis of the results of the ascertaining experiment, the program containing a variety of forms and methods of preventing demonstrative manifestations in adolescents was developed. Statistical analysis of empirical research was carried out by means of standard techniques of mathematical statistics (Student’s t-test). The given program has practical value to educators, psychologists and classroom teachers of secondary schools in the organization of the educational process.
dc.subject Adolescence
dc.subject Demonstrative behavior
dc.subject Demonstrative manifestations in adolescents
dc.subject Demonstrativeness
dc.subject Personality accentuation
dc.title Adolescents` demonstrative behavior research
dc.type Article
dc.relation.ispartofseries-issue 6
dc.relation.ispartofseries-volume 11
dc.collection Публикации сотрудников КФУ
dc.relation.startpage 1127 SCOPUS-2016-11-6-SID84982694144

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  • Публикации сотрудников КФУ Scopus [24551]
    Коллекция содержит публикации сотрудников Казанского федерального (до 2010 года Казанского государственного) университета, проиндексированные в БД Scopus, начиная с 1970г.

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