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Cholinesterase reactivators and bioscavengers for pre- and post-exposure treatments of organophosphorus poisoning

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dc.contributor.author Masson P.
dc.contributor.author Nachon F.
dc.date.accessioned 2018-09-19T20:16:25Z
dc.date.available 2018-09-19T20:16:25Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.issn 0022-3042
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/handle/net/142777
dc.description.abstract © 2017 International Society for Neurochemistry.Organophosphorus agents (OPs) irreversibly inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) causing a major cholinergic syndrome. The medical counter-measures of OP poisoning have not evolved for the last 30 years with carbamates for pretreatment, pyridinium oximes-based AChE reactivators, antimuscarinic drugs and neuroprotective benzodiazepines for post-exposure treatment. These drugs ensure protection of peripheral nervous system and mitigate acute effects of OP lethal doses. However, they have significant limitations. Pyridostigmine and oximes do not protect/reactivate central AChE. Oximes poorly reactivate AChE inhibited by phosphoramidates. In addition, current neuroprotectants do not protect the central nervous system shortly after the onset of seizures when brain damage becomes irreversible. New therapeutic approaches for pre- and post-exposure treatments involve detoxification of OP molecules before they reach their molecular targets by administrating catalytic bioscavengers, among them phosphotriesterases are the most promising. Novel generation of broad spectrum reactivators are designed for crossing the blood-brain barrier and reactivate central AChE. This is an article for the special issue XVth International Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanisms.
dc.relation.ispartofseries Journal of Neurochemistry
dc.subject Acetylcholinesterase
dc.subject Bioscavenger
dc.subject Nerve agent
dc.subject Organophosphate poisoning
dc.subject Oxime
dc.subject Post-exposure treatment
dc.subject Prophylaxis
dc.title Cholinesterase reactivators and bioscavengers for pre- and post-exposure treatments of organophosphorus poisoning
dc.type Article in Press
dc.collection Публикации сотрудников КФУ
dc.source.id SCOPUS00223042-2017-SID85019560360

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