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Dilaton gravity, charged dust, and (quasi-) black holes

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dc.contributor.author Bronnikov K.
dc.contributor.author Fabris J.
dc.contributor.author Silveira R.
dc.contributor.author Zaslavskii O.
dc.date.accessioned 2018-09-18T20:23:35Z
dc.date.available 2018-09-18T20:23:35Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.issn 1550-7998
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/handle/net/139403
dc.description.abstract We consider Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity with charged dust and interaction of the form P(χ)FμνFμν, where P(χ) is an arbitrary function of the dilaton field χ that can be normal or phantom. For any regular P(χ), static configurations are possible with arbitrary functions g00=exp(2γ(xi)) (i=1, 2, 3) and χ=χ(γ), without any assumption of spatial symmetry. The classical Majumdar-Papapetrou system is restored by putting χ=const. Among possible solutions are black-hole (BH) and quasi-black-hole (QBH) ones. Some general results on BH and QBH properties are deduced and confirmed by examples. It is found, in particular, that asymptotically flat BHs and QBHs can exist with positive energy densities of matter and both scalar and electromagnetic fields. © 2014 American Physical Society.
dc.relation.ispartofseries Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
dc.title Dilaton gravity, charged dust, and (quasi-) black holes
dc.type Article
dc.relation.ispartofseries-issue 10
dc.relation.ispartofseries-volume 89
dc.collection Публикации сотрудников КФУ
dc.source.id SCOPUS15507998-2014-89-10-SID84901441340

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