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dc.contributor.author | Guzelbaeva I. A. (Irina Alexandrovna) | |
dc.identifier.other | Исторические науки | |
dc.language.iso | En | |
dc.publisher | Казань Казанский федеральный университет 2017 | |
dc.subject.other | Интеллигенция -- Татарстан -- 20 в. -- Диссертации | |
dc.title | The Authorities and the creative intelligentsia in 1985 -1991 (in materials of the Republic of Tatarstan): The dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences: specialty: 07.00.02 - domestic history | |
dc.type | eBook | |
dc.collection | Основной каталог | |
dc.source.id | RU05CLSL05CBOOKS030205C44781 | |
dc.subject.codVAK | 07.00.02 |