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Просмотр по теме "B. subtilis"

Просмотр по теме "B. subtilis"

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  • Din L.; Rudakova N.; Sharipova M. (2016)
    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.The ability to form biofilms in natural isolate Bacillus subtilis 168 and mutants with deleted genes of regulatory proteins AbrB, DegU, CcpA, and SpoOA, constructed on its ...
  • Vershinina O.; Znamenskaya L. (2002)
    Bacterial Pho regulons contain genes whose products are involved in the transport and assimilation of inorganic phosphate. The expression of these genes is regulated by a specific two-component signal transduction system. ...
  • Vershinina O.; Znamenskaya L. (2002)
    Bacterial Pho regulons contain genes whose expression is regulated by a specific two-component signal transduction system. The products of these genes are involved in the transport and assimilation of inorganic phosphate. ...
  • Ахметова Гульназ Римовна; Рудакова Наталья Леонидовна; Динь Лан Тхи; Шарипова Маргарита Рашидовна (2019)
    Исследовано влияние ферментов протеолитического спектра (субтилизиноподобной протеиназы, глутамилэндопептидазы и метцинкиновой протеиназы B. pumilus) на образование биопленок B. subtilis

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