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Просмотр по теме "p-adic models"

Просмотр по теме "p-adic models"

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  • Missarov M.; Stepanov R. (2006)
    The formalism of projection Hamiltonians is applied to the N-component O(N)-invariant φ4 model in the Euclidean and p-adic spaces. We use two versions of the ε-expansion (with ε = 4 - d and with ε = α - 3d/2, where α is ...
  • Missarov M.; Stepanov P. (2004)
    We consider Dyson's hierarchical model on a d-dimensional hierarchical lattice and define a renormalization group (RG) transformation for complex values of d as a map in the space of sequences of coupling constants determining ...

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