Электронный архив

Просмотр по теме "Galaxies: ISM"

Просмотр по теме "Galaxies: ISM"

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  • Ade P.; Aghanim N.; Arnaud M.; Ashdown M.; Aumont J.; Baccigalupi C.; Banday A.; Barreiro R.; Bartolo N.; Battaner E.; Battye R.; Benabed K.; Bendo G.; Benoit-Lévy A.; Bernard J.; Bersanelli M.; Bielewicz P.; Bonaldi A.; Bonavera L.; Bond J.; Borrill J.; Bouchet F.; Burigana C.; Butler R.; Calabrese E.; Cardoso J.; Catalano A.; Chamballu A.; Chary R.; Chen X.; Chiang H.; Christensen P.; Clements D.; Colombo L.; Combet C.; Couchot F.; Coulais A.; Crill B.; Curto A.; Cuttaia F.; Danese L.; Davies R.; Davis R.; De Bernardis P.; De Rosa A.; De Zotti G.; Delabrouille J.; Dickinson C.; Diego J.; Dole H.; Donzelli S.; Doré O.; Douspis M.; Ducout A.; Dupac X.; Efstathiou G.; Elsner F.; Enßlin T.; Eriksen H.; Finelli F.; Forni O.; Frailis M.; Fraisse A.; Franceschi E.; Frejsel A.; Galeotta S. (2015)
    © ESO 2015. The Andromeda galaxy (M 31) is one of a few galaxies that has sufficient angular size on the sky to be resolved by the Planck satellite. Planck has detected M 31 in all of its frequency bands, and has mapped ...
  • Pilyugin L.; Grebel E.; Zinchenko I.; Nefedyev Y.; Vílchez J. (2019)
    © ESO 2019. We derive rotation curves, surface brightness profiles, and oxygen abundance distributions for 147 late-type galaxies using the publicly available spectroscopy obtained by the MaNGA survey. Changes of the central ...
  • Pilyugin L.S.; Zinchenko I.A.; Lara-López M.A.; Nefedyev Y.A.; Vílchez J.M. (2021)
    The distribution of the gas velocity dispersion σ across the images of 1146 MaNGA galaxies is analyzed. We find that there are two types of distribution of the gas velocity dispersion across the images of galaxies: (i) the ...

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