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ПросмотрМеждународный молодежный симпозиум по управлению, экономике и финансам по теме "banks"

ПросмотрМеждународный молодежный симпозиум по управлению, экономике и финансам по теме "banks"

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  • Кеба К.А.Н.К.; Сунгатуллина Д.Д. (2019)
    Every person treats the word "inflation" in his own way. Nevertheless, majority of humankind concur with the opinion that inflation is the situation when the price of the product and service rise. Among others, salary is ...
  • Khamrokhujaeva Sitorabonu Temur qizi; Azimova Shakhnoza Samukjanovna (2022)
    The development of the "green" economy in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States is proceeding at a fairly rapid pace, while both the financing instruments themselves and the principles for implementing ...

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