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Просмотр по автору "O'Keefe Tim"

Просмотр по автору "O'Keefe Tim"

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  • Adamson Peter; Brouwer René; Brüllmann Philipp; Horn Christoph; Humfress Caroline; Karamanolis George; Keyt David; Lienemann Béatrice; Miller Fred D.,; Noble Christopher Isaac; O'Keefe Tim; Pelletier Jenny; Primavesi Oliver; Rapp Christof; Scott Dominic; Toivanen Juhana; Tuominen Miira; Woolf Raphael (2021)
    A much-maligned feature of ancient and medieval political thought is its tendency to appeal to nature to establish norms for human communities. From Aristotle's claim that humans are "political animals" to Aquinas' invocation ...

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