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Просмотр по теме "Burial ground"

Просмотр по теме "Burial ground"

Отсортировать по:Сортировать:Результаты поиска на странице:

  • Zubov S.E.; Liphanov N.A.; Roslyakova N.V.; Sattarov R.R. (2021)
    The paper presents the materials from burial No. 53 of the Staroe Kirgizovo burial ground of the Pyany Bor culture from the territory of the Ik and Belaya interfluve (excavations of 2016). The burial is approximately dated ...
  • Akhmetgalin F.A.; Sitdikov A.G. (2020)
    © 2020 Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, A.Kh. Khalikov Archaeology Institute. All rights reserved. The paper addresses the historical topography of the medieval Kasimov - capital of Kasimov Khanate (mid-15th - late 17th ...

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